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Besides being very cool and collectible, Glow Mates™ nightlights are the world’s first touch and sound activated doorknob mounted character light-ups!
Made of soft silicone and hand-painted, they act as a normal touch activated nightlight that stays on for approximately 5 minutes before gently fading out.
You can also initiate a colorful light show with more touches, But the most unique feature of this night light is the sound activation. When your Glow Mate night light detects any loud sound like a smoke or fire alarm, the light automatically begins blinking, which could help guide someone to the door if they had to exit quickly with low visibility

iCreative is a Los Angles based company that specializes in combining technology with new and unique products for our customers.

iCreative values the opinion of our customers. Please feel free to contact us with any comments, questions or thoughts on any of our products.

    Glow Mates™ will continue to release new models for sale thorough or distrbutors or for sale on this website. Subscribe, or check back often to see what’s new! Each Glow Mate™ can be used on a door, or collect them and display them on their included stand.